A List Of Good Research Paper Topics For 7th Graders

7th Grade is time for that all-important practical on how to write research papers. Throughout your school career and on through college you are going to be asked to write papers. If you learn the best methods for researching and writing a good paper in 7th Grade then you have learned the basics that will help you all the way up through a Doctorate – should you chose to go that far with your education.

First things first, you need a topic for your paper. Your teacher will set you a limited range of choices, and you’ve got to choose the best one for you. Perhaps your teacher has decided that he or she wants an essay about Current Affairs. To find out more, you would need to look for your ideas by checking what news is trending online. Then find out more by checking out the online section of local and national newspapers where you can learn about crime or politics.

Maybe your teacher has set you a “how-to” paper. You can go searching on one of the video sites for how-to home movies and start looking for more information from there. Pros and Cons and social issues are also hot subjects for 7th Grade papers.

Still got a problem with sparking an idea for your paper? Here are a few hints to get you started.

Research Paper Ideas

  1. Would it be a good thing if teachers wore a uniform to work?
  2. In your opinion have humans become too reliant on computers and technology?
  3. What would the world be like if anything were permitted?
  4. There is evidence that boys learn better in a unisex environment, and girls learn better in a mixed school. Should boys and girls be taught separately?
  5. If women held most high-level jobs, would you think it fair not to introduce quotas putting more men into top jobs?
  6. Should smartphones be required for school so that you can look up the answers when the teacher asks a question in class?
  7. Would teachers do a better job if students graded their teachers’ work the way teachers grade their students’ work?
  8. If we stopped cutting down all forests would that impact on world food production?
  9. Should we fix the problems here on Earth before we spend more money on space exploration?
  10. Are there better ways to test medicines than using animals in scientific research?